Gladys is most upset. Mamoo's brave attempts to photograph her are shaky, to say the least. Seen (I use the term loosely) here, is Gladys with Prashant and Ashwita - brother and sister if I remember correctly. Fortunately my memory is not as blurry as these pictures, so I can tell you that in the first, Prashant and Gladys have struck "Don" poses in honour of Shah Rukh Clown - Gladys' boyfriend .. allegedly .. well, she does have long romantic phone conversations with him on that plastic banana she carries around.
Quite a striking chap, this Shah Rukh Clown. I was initially intrigued by his resemblance to one Shah Rukh KHAN: quite uncanny likeness, apart from the red nose. Gladys says this is because they are distant relatives, cousins of some sort. Apparently this Shah Rukh Khan cannot walk freely down the street for fear of being mobbed by fans of HER Shah Rukh. Poor man. To be nearly as irresistible as Shah Rukh Clown is, it appears, both a gift and a curse.
In the second picture, Gladys is using her stetho-ho-scope to do a laughter check on little Ashwita. Test results showed that the child was hale and ha-ha-hearty.
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