Sunday, 26 December 2010

Just now.

A few moments ago, I read a ReTweet on Facebook and decided to Blog about it (yes, it's all about the Internet these days!!) This is what the Tweet said:

RT @BraveKidsVoices Never let a day go by without giving your children love, affection, attention, protection, respect. Always... 

Earlier today,  I had been thinking about how often we don't really know the meaning of the word "love", although it's probably one of the most frequently used words in the English language. In every language, perhaps. I wonder what results and statistics would come out of a research study on love, and whether any corporation would fund it in the first place. 
I suspect that most of us believe that love is that wave of emotion that hits us when we look at a baby or at someone we're romantically interested in. Sadly, I have come to learn a large part of this wave is made up of chemicals designed to ensure protection or procreation! But love has to be more than that. 
What if love is not an emotion, but rather a collection of emotions? Surely respect, compassion, protection and attention - all these are part of love, not separate from it? Because if one of these is missing, how can we be telling the truth when we say, "I love you"?  


Anonymous said...

Lovely thoughts..thank you for sharing..

Lunar Hine said...

I think that sometimes love is as simple as doing the washing up when it's not your turn. These are the droplets which build the rainbow we call love.

neora chana said...

To me, it is not only the collection of emotions you mention, but a decision as well. You decide to love someone and behave that way as much as possible by trying to show the loved ones at least some of the emotions you mention.

Anonymous said...

You have wise words on this
Its got me thinking about how often i use it and why said...

Since clicking on your blog by accident I find myself returning often. Thank you for the frequent updates!
Best of Heath and Happiness in 2011!

Without Shadow said...

What lovely comments to read on New Year's Day :o)

Reh said...

I tend to think of love as a "part" of the human being. like to believe it's IN each and every one of us. and i'm not talking about romantic love only.
actually that's the thing. it's not just "romantic" love. and you cannot simply say "he/she loves" and know what that means, cause love is just one of a persons features and its dependent on the other qualities as well. i'm probably not making myself clear, huh? what i mean is that love is pretty much like everything else in a person - different people react differently to different things, and so they also love differently in the different situations. so call it washing dishes, jumping in front of buses to save lives or making generous presents : it's all love.
i think

PS:it really is bad that in english you have just one word for love. there are soo many kinds of love that you can never express.


Nerdy Girl said...

I believe love varies from person to person based on their emotional needs and also their emotional capabilities. The way everyone gives and receives love is different, thats why some of us fall into situations where we loves someone who doesn't love us and vice versa. But truth be told love is something felt in mind, body, and soul and you can be sure at the moment you say it, when it comes from those places you mean it.