Tuesday, 3 May 2005

You missed it.

Symphony above!
God conducts sky, just for me.
Below, rush hour shoves.

Since I discovered the rooftop, I’ve been exercising regularly, walking up and down for a half-hour every evening. It’s far more pleasant than driving through manic traffic to Richmond Park, which is full of other walkers anyway. One evening last week, I arrived upstairs in time for the sunset. It was magnificent. Everywhere I turned, there was something to take my breath away, and every time I turned back, there was something new, just as captivating. Clouds silhouetted against each other, the light, the shade, the hues, the slow peaceful drifting towards twilight. I could NOT walk. It was too glorious to ignore, too majestic to give precedence to my calories. Down below, I could hear rush hour traffic: restless, sweaty, impatient, tired.

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